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Essay/Term paper: Multiculturalism

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Social Issues

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Multiculturalism is a part of any country.There are Jews in Germany,
Poles in Ireland, Asians in Canada and so on. I believe multiculturalism is a
good idea. It provides a wealth of cultural activities, foods, and different
views of life. No one is really a true Canadian besides the native people. We
are all part of a vast society we call Canada. In Canada we pride ourselves in
being a mosaic, so to speak,unlike the United States where they are a so called
melting pot so that if it doesn't fit they make it fit where as we change to
The many cultures existing in Canada have created a rich cultural
experience. An example is our Heritage Day celebrations where we celebrate our
various diversities. Did you know that the most commonly spoken language in
Vancouver is Mandarin Chinese and other dialects of Chinese? People may be
shocked but it's true because we are a free country and allow lots of
immigrants in. The fact is that we may have to close our doors to immigrants
because sooner or later the social system will break down. We will not be
regarded as the great free country that accepts so many immigrants.Although I
hope we do not come to this point,I fear it will happen. Language is a part of
multiculturalism. Evidence of this can be found in some many cities and towns.
You will see signs in English or French and under them, you will see German ,
Japanese ,Arabic etc..Other examples of this are newspapers and media
productions in varying languages. People that have a choice as to where they
want to immigrate to , usually choose Canada because Canada is a great place to
live according to U.N. statistics.
Some people don't like multiculturalism and form cults, an example of
which is the KKK. They are dead set against black people and believe in white
supremacy. Such people are injust and completely wrong because everyone is equal
in the eyes of the law.
I think that we as a world community have to go through some drastic
changes in order to cope with the problems of racism, prejudice and stereotyping.
We all must learn to be more tolerant and accepting of different peoples and
their beliefs. In my corollary I think multiculturalism is a great thing.


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